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Exploring TEMPO-Oxidised Cellulose: Insights from Advanced Hydrolysis Techniques

Postdoctoral researcher Neptun Yousefi visited the BOKU University in Vienna to investigate incomplete cellulose hydrolysis.

The recent research visit focused on exploring the intricate hydrolysis behaviour of TEMPO-oxidised cellulose using different sources of cellulose. The traditional TEMPO oxidation method and a bromide-free variant were applied, followed by comprehensive analyses through total hydrolysis and methanolysis. Each step of this process was meticulously characterised to gain a deeper understanding of the chemical transformations occurring within the cellulose. Strong acid hydrolysis and the milder methanolysis method were employed, with each technique offering unique insights into the carbohydrate composition. The compounds obtained after hydrolysis and methanolysis were analyzed using liquid-state NMR and gas chromatography, respectively.

This research visit not only advanced the understanding of TEMPO-oxidised cellulose and its hydrolysis but also resulted in valuable knowledge that will be transferred to the FinnCERES community. The outcomes are expected to lead to joint publications and contribute to ongoing collaborative projects, fostering further advancements in cellulose chemistry and its applications within the circular economy.


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