Forest&Photonics is a unique professional event that brings together the forest and photonics experts and companies to do business, network, collaborate and share their experiences, challenges and solutions. This year Forest&Photonics will be organised as a hybrid event that can be participated remotely or in person in Original Sokos Hotel Kimmel in Joensuu.
FinnCERES is co-organiser of the event with research and industry partners. Welcome!
MONDAY – 22nd November 2021
11:30 Registration and lunch
12:30 Opening of the Forest&Photonics 2021
12:45 Keynote:
Changing wood procurement – leveraging experiences from industry to
scientific insights, Kalle Kärhä, UEF
13.30 Presentations:
How we aim to build resilience, redefine value networks and enable meaningful
experiences in forest-human-machine interplay flagship of science?
Juha Hyyppä, National Land Survey of Finland
Analysis of gravel road maintenance need using LiDAR, Vesa Leppänen, Arbonaut Ltd
Fully independent robot drone for forest sensing, Arto Koivuharju, RumbleTools Ltd
14:30 Coffee break
15:15 Presentations:
Accurate as drone, continuous and cost-efficient as satellite, Jouni Lintu, Kelluu Ltd
Photonics to prevent forest fire, Matthieu Roussey, UEF
Blockchains, cryptocurrencies, forest big data and carbon credit markets – will green
financing change forestry? Andrus Aaslaid, Single.Earth
Bright future for the forest sector with photonics, Risto Linturi, Futurist
17:30 Matchmaking
18:30 Networking dinner
TUESDAY – 23rd November 2021
09:00 Registration
09:20 Wake up
09:40 Presentations:
Redefining the bioeconomy with advanced bio-based materials, Tekla Tammelin, VTT
Methylcellulose composite optical fibers with low attenuation coefficient and high
photostability, Hannes Orelma, VTT
Plant-based building blocks for sustainable photonic components, Jaana Vapaavuori,
Aalto University
Surface water management with LiDAR – Flow network analysis improves economy and
environmental sustainability, Vesa Leppänen, Arbonaut Ltd
11:00 Lunch
12:00 Keynote:
Drones, imaging and explosive seed planting, Dr John Lincoln, Photonics Leadership
12:45 Presentations
Hyperspectral imaging of textiles, Mikko Mäkelä, VTT
Digitality that just works – how close we are? Elice Pynninen, Vincit Ltd
Presentation, TBC
14:05 Summary and closing