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From Boreal Wood to Bioproducts: Shaping the Future Bioeconomy

The first joint event of Treesearch, FinnCERES and the BioProducts Institute (BPI) will be held on 26 May to explore research activities on forest-based materials from Sweden, Finland and Canada.

The conference is open to everyone associated to either Treesearch, FinnCERES or BPI.

The conference will take place in two different sessions using the online tool Gatherly which is a virtual conference venue. In this conference, you will get an overview of the collaboration platform Treesearch, the competence center FinnCERES, and the BioProducts Institute of the University of British Columbia. You will have the opportunity to listen to researchers sharing deeper insight on bio-based solutions developed in Sweden, Finland, and Canada. You will also be able to mingle during the coffee breaks using an avatar to walk around in the conference venue and connecting by video and audio to other participants.

All researchers including PhD students and postdocs associated to either FinnCERES, Treesearch or BPI are welcome to submit abstracts for presenting their research in Session 2 of the conference.

Deadline for abstract submission: 1st of May

Deadline for registration: 16th of May


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