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YIPPIE: Yield Preserving Processing to Reduce Emissions

Updated: Jan 29

The pulping industry is facing a new situation, where not only pulp quality but also high yield and emission free processes are demanded. The limited wood based biomass resources need to be utilized in smart ways, and the CO2 emissions in biomass processes reduced whereby retaining carbon in the material. Central tools in this context are to reduce material losses, decrease chemical and water consumption, and improve energy efficiency. This project is focused on ensuring high yield of softwood pulping processes by targeted cleave of bonds and preservation of the typically lost fractions, i.e., pectin, lignin and hemicelluloses.

Doctoral student E Lim isolating components from wood chips.
Doctoral student E Lim isolating components from wood chips.

Main results

  • Ester bond containing biomass components have been isolated from spruce chips using ball milling and solvents.

Research Project Managers

Project status

Funded by FinnCERES in 2023-2026.

The project is connected to the Emission Free Pulping program.

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