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Zhennan Kou: Surface Interactions in Unfunctionalized Cellulose

Updated: Sep 19, 2024

Meet FinnCERES researcher Zhennan Kou from Aalto University

Zhennan is currently investigating surface interactions in unfunctionalized cellulose through the use of molecularmodelling. Unfunctionalized cellulose refers to cellulose that has not been chemically modified with functional groups. There is a growing interest among scientists worldwide to comprehend this unmodified form of cellulose.

To aid in visualizing and comprehending the nature and strength of molecular interactions, as well as to predict how cellulose will behave, Zhennan is utilizing VMD, a molecularvisualization program. This research has immense potential as it can facilitate the development of new materials and processes that incorporate unfunctionalized cellulose, while also enhancing our basic understanding of cellulose behavior.

This study is driven by the desire to advance our scientific comprehension of unfunctionalized cellulose, and to create new industrialapplications and possible functionalizations.

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