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FinnCERES at Helsinki Design Week – Listen to YLE Radio Suomi on 11.9. at 14.00!

Updated: Aug 21, 2020

FinnCERES participates in Helsinki Design Week by showcasing two ongoing research prosustainable packaging projects CoCeA and Fold and Sustain.

Listen to YLE Radio Suomi on Wed 11.9. at 14.00 to hear about the CoCeA project from our researchers Anastasia Ivanova and Jukka Ketoja!

Location: Väre, LQ Lobby, Otaniementie 14, 02150 Espoo Open: 5-26 September 2019

The CoCeA project combined design thinking with a scientific research process to obtain unique material solutions by foam forming. This production technology uses wood-based cellulose fibres and enables the production of lightweight biomaterials that are renewable, biodegradable and recyclable, using a minimum amount of water. The main challenge was to reduce the weight while retaining the impact strength of the material structure. The project resulted in a novel production technique and materials with improved technical properties and appealing perceptual characteristics. The material prototypes presented in this exhibition can be developed into future packaging solutions, to compete with conventional packaging.

Designing wood-based lightweight structures for packaging. CoCeA (Complex Cellulose Structures or Consumer Applications) is part of the FinnCERES, a joint research programme between Aalto University and VTT.

The Fold and Sustain project investigates patterns and folded structures which can be implemented in packaging design to replace plastic materials, concentrating especially on creating transformable, stable and protective structures. The aim is to explore more sustainable cellulose-based folded structures that could replace, for example, bubble wrap, polystyrene or other wrapping materials to protect the product inside the packaging.

Fold and Sustain is part of the FinnCERES joint research programme between Aalto University and VTT. The research group combines design, mathematics and material sciences.

This exhibition is part of Aalto University’s Designs for a Cooler Planet exhibition ensemble at Otaniemi.


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