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New doctoral program in circular materials bioeconomy launching in 2024

Updated: Mar 7, 2024

Circular Materials Bioeconomy Network is a national consortium across nine universities that will educate 67 doctorates focusing on sustainable materials and processes.

Circular Materials Bioeconomy Network (CIMANET) is an interdisciplinary doctoral education network to support the renewal of the bio-based industry through new sustainable materials and processes. CIMANET is part of the 255 M€ doctoral education pilot program established by Finland’s Ministry of Education and Culture. The program starts in 2024 and provides doctoral researchers funding for three years.

CIMANET provides scientific and technological competences to promote sustainable growth. It strengthens the knowledge base required to enhance the bio-based industry with novel solutions unveiling the full potential of biomass. CIMANET consists of nine universities: Aalto University, Hanken School of Economics, LUT University, Tampere University, University of Helsinki, University of Jyväskylä, University of Oulu, University of Turku, and Åbo Akademi University.

"CIMANET offers a fantastic opportunity to expand the national collaboration in bio-based materials research. We are expecting close cooperation between the academic partners, research organizations, and companies, ensuring smooth transfer and employment of graduates in our society", says Monika Österberg, CIMANET Network Leader and Professor at Aalto University.

Research in CIMANET is based on the themes of FinnCERES with few additions: wood construction, industrial biotechnology, and a stronger emphasis on new business models for the bioeconomy. Wood construction has significant potential for enhancing carbon storage and thus mitigating climate change, as wooden buildings serve as long-term carbon stocks. Additionally, industrial biotechnology offers great opportunities to enhance the use of agricultural and forestry side-streams to produce necessity goods, increasing the circularity and material efficiency in biorefineries. Finally, research on conceptualizing new business models will identify opportunities and challenges in the bioeconomy and contribute to defining a clearer research agenda.


A call for doctoral researchers will open soon, and the first student cohort is expected to start in August 2024. Follow updates about the open positions at the CIMANET site at!

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