Professor Orlando Rojas (Research Principal Investigator of FinnCERES and Director of BioProducts Institute at the University of British Columbia) shared his insights in the "Materials for the Bioeconomy" webinar hosted by ENTRA & Empathetic Machines.
He stated the forest biomass as the most promising competitor for fossil carbon and presented many innovative examples from the FinnCERES Flagship and BioProducts Institute to illustrate the possibilities. The examples included potential applications of lignocellulosic biomass in many business areas such as electronics, textiles, energy solutions, construction, and as plastic substituents. The new bioeconomy and the regeneration of the forest industry is a multibillion business and the way towards a sustainable future. For example, the value of Finnish forest industry could double by 2050 by increasing the amount of value-added products. Science and research are in key positions in creation and implementation of the novel innovations.
See the whole webinar below: